A downloadable game for Windows

Fight your way between gangs, corporations, cults, and corrupt governments in a fast-paced, top-down shooter. Located in a dystopian future not so far away, Esse Proxy will take you to the center of conflicts and intrigues of a group of rebels trying to be free.

You will take the role of several characters united by a series of past and future events, each with their own abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

You will face a brutal yet strategic combat, one missed shot or one misstep can be the end for your character. 

The game offers a difficult but rewarding difficulty.

In each level you can find different secrets and unlock better (or not) weapons to use

The battles will require intense focus in a context where enemies can react in different ways, remember, a mistake can lead you to fail the mission.

About the project

This game has been in development for "one man team" for about a year and is expected to be released in Early Access format by the end of 2021.
It has strong inspiration in game mechanics like Hotline Miami.

Project status

This game is in alpha state, all levels and enemies can (and probably will) change in future versions.
The story and plot elements of the game are not final and may change.
Many features of the game in this alpha version are  very limited in its functionality. Like:

- The stats  at the end of each level.
- UI elements.
- Tutorial level. 
- Others

If you play the game and you want to provide (good or bad) feedback, or you want to comment on features to be addes or deleted, and basically anything about the game, you are welcome:


Or just here in the comments!

If you liked the game and want to support it, the best thing you can do is add it to your Steam wishlist.
The Game will be released in Steam, Epic Games Store and Itch.io


esseproxy-win64-alpha.zip 2.1 GB
Version 0.1.9 Aug 16, 2021

Install instructions

Just as a convenience I recommend downloading the game with the itch.io app

Itch.io app

The game will receive periodic updates with bugfixing and content.
This way you will only download the modified files from version to version and not the whole game again.

Development log


Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.

Pretty fun and very challenging :D -


Finally, after 5 months, I beat the final fat shotgun boss. However I had to break the rules a bit. In the T-Shaped Area where there are two guards ahead, I shot them with 8 bullets in my rifle, and then somehow dragged their guns to the boss fight through the door by switching and moving constantly. Then I pressed Q and spammed my rifle, then took the pistol on the ground, which I guess is illegal, but it helped me win the fight :)
It took me 5 months xD

(1 edit) (+1)

Або зробіть ЗУМ постійним ..

Або забороніть ворогам бачити ГГ поза екраном.

А ще краще пограйте в "take no prisoners"


Despite some nitpicks I had, I was surprised that this game was made by just one dev and in just one year, I wish you success on your future career :)


Thanks for give the game a try and to find the time to post the comment and the video here! ooh and for the five stars at the end of the video :D!!!

I liked the game, but Level 3 was way too hard for me. You had 3 people whose markers you couldn't see, sniping you. It became easier with the number of deaths, cuz you knew where they would come from. Also after the cutscene, there's no checkpoint, so I can't really progress beyond level 3. Nice aesthetic tho

Hey! Thanks for play! The cutscene you mention is the final "boss" of this playable build. 
And I think you mean that the second floor of the 3rd level have no save game point.

I designed it that way, and the difficulty is something that I will adjust over time with feedback.

Thanks t3zla for your feedback!!


I posted a video of "The First 15" minutes of your game! Check the video out below, and keep working at it!

(2 edits)

Thank you very much for taking the time!!
You gave me a lot of information.

As I mentioned on other occasions, this videos are very useful for development! =D

I am aware of most of the things you highlighted in the video, most of them are planned to develop.
Also many elements, such as the story and dialogues will be replaced.

What I want to polish at this stage is the gameplay to achieve a rewarding difficulty.


MAN! I went through the game three times and had a blast. The ai are so sharp and accurate you need absolute focus or else you'll end up like me in my hand okay lol. This is awesome, I'm waiting for the full release


Hi!! Thanks so much for playing and posting it to your YT channel!

The video helped me a lot and it is very rewarding to see how other players play!


i havent played it, im planning on playing the game when it releases on steam. so do you think there will be more content/updates/fixes on the steam version? or will it be the same?

i dont wanna rush, but i would like to know, thanks! 

Hi! Thanks for your interest :D

The game is still in pure development. There will definitely be lots improvements and more content.

This version is just an alpha version that seeks to get feedback on the gameplay in general, in particular the difficulty.

I try to make the game difficult, but not frustrating, rather a rewarding difficulty.

There is no way to achieve that without other people trying it and giving their opinion/feedback, bad or good.

So tl,dr the final version will be very different.

ah okay, sounds good. thanks for replying!

(1 edit) (+1)

That was a lot of fun to play. I didn't play through all the missions but I'll probably get round to that tomorrow. The visuals and music are great. The controls work well too.

The only improvement that I can recommend is to do with melee combat. It doesn't feel very fluid to have to backpedal and press left alt to perform a melee attack. It'd probably be a better idea to have it tied to the left mouse button (when not carrying a gun). That way the player can hit the tab key to easily switch between melee and gunplay modes.

Again, it's a lot of fun to play and you've done an awesome job!

Wishlisted, Followed and Rated! 👊


Hi! Thank you very much for playing and even more for taking the time to post a comment here!

What you say about the melee system is true, I was thinking about how to improve that mechanic and I never thought about what you mentioned, so I'm going to see  how it turns out! :)


Awesome game. I love the gameplay visual and musics.

(2 edits)

Woow You played all the levels!!

And it really helps me to see you playing through all of them.

What do you think about the difficulty?

Big big thanks!